Why Eating Chocolate On Your Period is Actually Good For You!

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Despite the warning labels, women everywhere continue to indulge in their chocolate cravings when they’re on their period. But why? It’s not like you get a break from menstruation after eating a bar of chocolate or two. In fact, most women find that the cramps and nausea brought on by a visit from Aunt Flo are intensified by eating chocolate.

So why risk upsetting your stomach even more? Because there’s something about cocoa that’s actually beneficial for your body during your period. The truth about chocolate on your period is that it’s good for you, but only if you pick the right kind and avoid the downsides of overindulging in any kind of milk-based dark chocolate.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about eating chocolate on your period…

Vitamins Found In Chocolate

Chocolate is a food that is rich in antioxidants, which are essential for healthy skin and hair. Antioxidants help to combat the free radicals that can cause damage to cells and tissues. They also help to keep your skin looking smooth and firm.

One of the most important vitamins found in chocolate is vitamin E. This vitamin plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin by protecting it from free radical damage. It also helps to promote cell growth and prevents wrinkles by helping to maintain collagen production.

Another important vitamin found in chocolate is C. It has been shown to help protect against sunburns and improve skin elasticity. It is also linked with reduced risk of age-related skin conditions like wrinkles and dryness.

If you’re looking to get more fiber into your diet, then you might want to try adding dark chocolate into your daily routine. Dark chocolate is rich in fiber and many studies have shown that people who eat more fiber are less likely to develop heart disease or diabetes than people who eat less fiber. So if you love dark chocolate, add it to your daily diet!

It’s a Natural Pain Reliever

Chocolate has been used for centuries to help with everything from headaches to digestive issues, and now it’s even being studied as a natural pain reliever. When researchers at the University of Edinburgh tested different types of pain relievers, they found that chocolate was just as effective as drugs like ibuprofen.

Researchers are still trying to figure out exactly how cocoa works its magic, but they think it has to do with chemicals called phenylethylamines. These chemicals are also found in other foods like wine and cheese, and they’re known to be mood-altering substances.

It Helps Ease Cramps

It’s true, eating chocolate on your period can also help ease cramps. When your body is having a particularly bad day and your cramps are at their worst, you should reach for dark chocolate over milk chocolate.

When you’re on your period, your body is dealing with a lot of extra blood flow, which can cause cramping. Dark chocolate has cocoa, which is a natural blood thinner, so it can help ease those cramps.

It’s Packed With Calcium and Iron

Chocolate is a great source of calcium, which is important for lots of different bodily functions. It helps your bones stay strong, it keeps your muscles functioning normally, and it also plays a role in preventing cramps. Of course, eating chocolate on your period isn’t going to replace your normal calcium intake, but it can be a helpful supplement.

Iron is another important nutrient that’s found in cocoa. It helps your body create red blood cells, and it’s especially helpful if you experience heavy bleeding during your period.

It Helps The Skin

If you’re worried about indulging in your cravings and gaining a few pounds, know that dark chocolate is also a good source of antioxidants, which have been shown to help improve your skin.

Dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, which are antioxidants that help prevent and repair damage to your skin cells. Those antioxidants have been shown to prevent damage caused by UV rays, which can lead to things like sun spots and wrinkles.

They can also help prevent some of the signs of aging, like fine lines and crow’s feet. Dark chocolate can even help improve your acne. If you’re still not convinced, you can also eat white chocolate on your period!

The Downsides of Eating Chocolate On Your Period

If you’re a frequent chocolate eater, you might want to consider cutting down on the amount you eat during your period. Eating too much chocolate can cause some serious health problems, like weight gain, acne and tooth decay.

If you’re prone to migraines, chocolate cravings might be a sign that you’re having an oncoming migraine attack. For all of these reasons, eating chocolate is still not recommended as a regular source of pain relief during your period.

There are better ways to manage pain and regulate your periods, such as using period panties or menstrual cups. Chocolate is best for special occasions when you’re craving something sweet and delicious.

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